Taken from Genesis 9:1-17
God blessed Noah and his family and told them to have many children and fill the earth with people. Then God said, "All the wild animals, large and small, and all the birds and fish will be afraid of you. I have placed all the animals in your power. I have given then to you for food, just as I have given you grain and vegetables for food. Remember you must never eat raw meat, you must cook it. Remember also, that murder is forbidden. Any animal that kills a person must die, and any person who murders another person must be killed for their crime. For it is a sin to kill a person, for all people are made in God's image.
Then God told Noah and Noah's sons, "I am making a promise to you and your descendants." The word descendants means your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and on down the line. Then God said, "I am also making a promise with the animals and the birds and all of their descendants. I solemnly promise never to send another flood to kill all living creatures and destroy the earth. I am giving you a sign as proof of my eternal promise with you and all the living creatures. I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. When I send clouds over the earth, the rainbow will be seen in the clouds. And I will remember my promise with you and with everything that lives and I will never again send a flood that will destroy all life.
Now you know the meaning of the rainbow that you see in the sky.
- Why will animals be afraid of people?
- _____________________________
- How are we to eat meat?
- _________________________________
- What did God say is forbidden?
- __________________________
- What is the punishment for anyone who murders another person?
- _____________________
- Why is it a sin to kill a person?
- _________________________________
- What promise did God make to the people, animals, and the birds?
a. ___________________________________________
7. What sign did God give us as proof of his eternal promise?
a. ____________________________________
Can you draw a rainbow
Unscramble the
dgo _______
aohn _________
lessedb ___________
biddrenof __________
demurr __________
miserop ____________
bowniar ___________
Lesson answers
1. Why
will animals be afraid of people? For now they are our food
2. How are we to eat meat? Cooked never raw
3. What did
God say is forbidden? murder
4. What is the punishment for anyone who kills
another person? They must be killed for their crime
5. Why is it a sin to kill a person? For people are
made in God’s image
6. What promise did God make to the people,
animals, and the birds? There would never be a flood to kill all living creatures and
destroy the earth
7. What sign did God give us as
proof of his eternal promise? The rainbow
Unscramble the
dgo God
aohn Noah
lessedb blessed
biddrenof forbidden
demurr murder
miserop promise
bowniar rainbow
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