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It is our goal to help you to learn more about the Bible.

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Our prayer for you is, "May you be blessed with the understanding of God's Word."

Have Fun !!!!!!!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Adam and Eve

This lesson is taken from Genesis 2:4-25
When God made the heavens and the earth, there were no plants or grain growing on the earth, for God hadn't sent any rain yet. And also there
wasn't anyone to do any planting for man wasn't made yet. God had water to come up out of the ground and that watered all the earth. On the
sixth day God made man's body from the dust
of the ground, and God breathed into man the breath of life. Then man became a living person.

After God made man, God planted a garden in Eden. There God put the man that He had created. God planted all kinds of trees in the garden. They were beautiful trees and they had delicious fruit on them. At the center of the garden God put the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

A river ran from the land of Eden, and this river watered the garden. Then the river divided into four other rivers.
  • One of these rivers is named Pishon, and it goes all around Havilah, where gold is found
  • The second river is named Gihon, and it goes all around Cush
  • The third river is named Tigris and it goes to the east of Asshur
  • The fourth river is named Euphrates

God put the man in the Garden of Eden to take care of the garden. But God gave the man this warning: “You may eat any of the fruit from the garden except the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If you eat any of the fruit from that tree you will die.”

Then the Lord God said, “It isn't good for the man to be alone. I will make a companion who will help the man.” So God made from the dirt every kind of animal and bird. Then God brought them to the man, whose was named Adam, to see what Adam would call them. Adam gave a name to each animal and each bird. But still there was no companion that was right for Adam. So God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep. Then God took one of Adam's ribs, and then God closed up the place where He took the rib from. Next, God made a woman from Adam's rib and brought her to Adam.

Adam said, “At last! She is part of my own flesh and bone! She will be called woman, because she was made from man.” Now, Adam and his wife were both naked, but they didn't feel any shame.

1. What day of creation did God make man?

a. fourth
b. sixth
c. seventh
2. What did God make man from?

a. a rib
b. dust of the ground
c. Just by speaking the word

3. Where did God put the man?

a. garden of Eden
b. the river
c. in a city

4. A river ran through the Garden of Eden. How many rivers did the river from the Garden of Eden divide into?

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4

5. Why did God put Adam in the garden of Eden?

a. so he would have food
b. to care for the garden
c. so he could name the animals

6. What tree was Adam not to eat the fruit of?

a. tree of life
b. tree of knowledge
c. pine tree

7. Who named the animals and the birds?

a. Adam
b. Eve
c. God

8. How did God create Eve?

a. dust of the ground like Adam
b. He just spoke the words
c. From Adam's rib

9. Why did Adam call Eve a woman?

a. She came from man
b. cause she was pretty
c. cause God made her

Unscramble the words
  • dama _______________
  • vee _______________
  • denrga fo deen _____________________
  • nmoaw _______________________
  • malsina __________________________

Answer Sheet

Questions Answers

1. What day of creation did God make man?
a. fourth
b. sixth
c. seventh
2. What did God make man from?
a. a rib
b. dust of the ground
c. Just by speaking the word
3. Where did God put the man?
a. garden of Eden
b. the river
c. in a city
4. A river ran through the Garden of Eden. How many rivers did the river from the Garden of Eden divide into?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
5. Why did God put Adam in the garden of Eden?
a. so he would have food
b. to care for the garden
c. so he could name the animals
6. What tree was Adam not to eat the fruit of?
a. tree of life
b. tree of knowledge
c. pine tree
7. Who named the animals and the birds?
a. Adam
b. Eve
c. God
8. How did God create Eve?
a. dust of the ground like Adam
b. He just spoke the words
c. From Adam's rib
9. Why did Adam call Eve a woman?
a. She came from man
b. cause she was pretty
c. cause God made her

Answer to Unscramble the words
  • dama     Adam
  • vee     Eve
  • denrga fo deen     Garden of Eden
  • nmoaw      woman
  • malsina      animals

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